Program Performance Profile (PPP)
Extent of Compliance of the last survey visit
Program Performance Profile (PPP)
Extent of Compliance of the last survey visit
S.1. The institution has an organizational structure approved by the Board of Regents/Trustees (BOR/BOT).
S.2. Every office/unit in organizational structure has functions approved by the BOR/BOT.
I.1. The institution is subdivided into administrative units in accordance with the organizational structure.
I.2. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the administrative personnel/staff in each unit/office are identified and caried out.
I.3. The Board of Regents/Trustees is supportive with the growth and development of the institution.
I.4. The Academic and Administrative Councils exercise their powers and perform their functions.
I.5. The flow of communication among and within units/departments is observed.
O.1. The institution has a well-designed and functional organizational structure.
S.1. The Dean/Academic Unit Head possesses the required educational qualification and experience and other prescribed requirements needed to administer the College/Academic Unit namely:
S.1.1. Master’s degree in Nursing (MAN, MN, MSN) conferred by duly CHED recognized institution;
S.1.2. Certificate of Registration with current and valid PRC ID;
S.1.3. 5-year experience (teaching, administration, supervision) of nursing education;
S.1.4. one year clinical practice in the area of specialization; and
S.1.5. member of the accredited professional organization in good standing.
S.2. The Department Chair/s, or their equivalent has appropriate/relevant educational qualification and experience.
I.2. The Dean implements a supervisory program.
I.3. The Dean participates in the recruitment and promotion of the faculty and support staff.
I.4. The Dean, the faculty and administration work together for the improvement of the College/Academic Unit, particularly in:
I.4.1. setting standards and targets;
I.4.2. planning of programs and other related activities;
I.4.3. implementing, monitoring and evaluation of plans, programs and other related activities;
I.4.4. establishing linkages, partnerships and networking activities;
I.4.5. providing opportunities for professional growth and development of the faculty and staff;
I.4.6. preparing policies and guidelines on the internal administration and operation of the College/Academic Unit; and
I.4.7. preparing guidelines on the proper use and maintenance of facilities, equipment, supplies and materials.
I.5. Define criteria and procedures in the selection and promotion of the most qualified faculty and staff are observed.
I.6. The Dean, faculty, staff, and students pursue collaborative activities in generating resources and income and in implementing cost-effective measures.
I.7. The Dean implements policies and procedures on internal administration and operations of the College/Academic Unit.
O.1. The College/Academic Unit is efficiently and effectively managed.
S.1. The institution has an approve and printed Student Handbook/Manual containing policies and guidelines on the following aspects of student life:
S.1.1. admission and retention policies;
S.1.2. registration requirements;
S.1.3. school fees;
S.1.4. academic load;
S.1.5. transfers;
S.1.6. residence, course work, scholastic and graduation requirements;
S.1.7. examinations and grading system;
S.1.8. scholarships/grants/assistantships;
S.1.9. shifting and adding/dropping of course;
S.1.10. code of conduct discipline;
S.1.11. attendance; and
S.1.12. others (please specify) _________
I.2. Concerned officials, faculty and staff act promptly on request, needs and problems of students.
I.3. The administration faculty, staff and students work harmoniously and maintain good working relationship.
O.1. The institution has an effective and functional Student Administration.
O.2. Policy implementation is efficient.
S.1. The institution has approved Financial Development Plan (FDP).
S.2. The institution has specific budgetary allotment for the following:
S.2.1. personnel services;
S.2.2. maintenance and other operating expenses (MODE);
S.2.3. capital outlay; and
S.2.4. special projects.
S.3. The approved budget is consonance with FDP.
I.3. The administrative officials, faculty, staff and student representatives participate in the budget preparation and in the procurement program of the institution.
I.4. The budget of the institution is fairly and objectively allocated.
I.5. The institution allocates funds for the following services and activities:
I.5.1. cultural development;
I.5.2. athletic and sports development;
I.5.3. medical and dental services;
I.5.4. library;
I.5.5. student body organization;
I.5.6. guidance and counseling;
I.5.7. improvement of laboratories/shops;
I.5.8. repair and maintenance of facilities/equipment;
I.5.9. purchase of new, supplies and materials;
I.5.10. replacement of old and unserviceable equipment;
I.5.11. construction of new facilities, as needed;
I.5.12. improvement/expansion of physical plant;
I.5.13. extension and community and services; and
I.5.14. disaster and risk reduction; and
I.5.15. auxiliary services, etc.
O.1. The institution has a sound and effective financial management system.
S.2. The institution has a system for the proper disposal of non-serviceable and condemned equipment, supplies and materials.
S.3. The office has a storeroom for keeping and securing all equipment, supplies and materials purchased.
I.1. The institution maintains a Supply Management Office (SMO) managed by qualified staff with specific functions and responsibilities.
I.2. The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) is responsible for the procurement and deliveries of needed equipment, supplies and materials in accordance with the approved Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP).
I.5. All approved request for procurement are published in the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement system (PhilGEPS).
O.1. The institution has an efficient and effective Supply Management System.
O.2. All procurement transactions are transparent.
S.1. The institution has a system of records keeping.
S.2. The institution has policies and procedures to ensure the security confidentiality of records.
S.3. Policies and procedures on prompt release of records are in place.
I.3. The Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) maintains accurate, up-to-date and systematic records of faculty and staff.
I.4. The following updated record compilations are made available to concerned parties:
I.4.1. minutes of the Board of Regents/Trustees meeting;
.4.2. minutes of the faculty meetings, e.g. minutes of the Academic Council meetings;
I.4.3. faculty/non-teaching personnel individual files;
I.4.4. faculty/non-teaching personnel performance evaluation; and
I.4.5. other record such as:
I.4.5.1. student directory;
I.4.5.2. alumni directory;
I.4.5.3. permanent records of students;
I.4.5.4. reports of Director/Dean;
I.4.5.5. annual reports;
I.4.5.6. accomplishment/progress reports;
I.4.5.7. scholarship records;
I.4.5.8. statistical data;
I.4.5.9. financial records of students;
I.4.5.10. inventory of property; and
I.4.5.11. proceedings of administrative investigation (if any).
I.4.5.12. others, (please specify) _______________
O.1. The institution has a commendable Records Management System.
S.2. There is a system of monitoring the implementation of the SDP.
I.2. The planning process is a cooperative and participative endeavor of the administration, the faculty staff, and the students.
I.3. The SDP is implemented, monitored, evaluated, reviewed and updated regularly.
S.1.1. competence;
S.1.2. quality of work;
S.1.3. work ethic (functionality, wise use of items, etc.);
S.1.4. creative/innovative ability;
S.1.5. ability to handle internal and external pressure; and
S.1.6. interpersonal relations.
I.1. The institution regularly monitors and evaluates the performance of the administrative staff.
I.2. The results of performance evaluation of the administrative personnel are utilized.
I.2.1. to improve performance and delivery of services; and
I.2.2. for promotion
O.1. The administrative personnel/staff have commendable performance.